So I'm gonna share my new years resolutions, hoping that since I am not keeping them all to myself this time, I'll actually stick with it.
Ok, here we go.
* get a job. (...seems to be harder than I ever imagined it would be)
* get a gym membership. again. (...I would need some income to pay for a membership. hah.)
* eat less sugar.
* take more pictures. (my d300 is so lonely)
* dye my hair a fun colors again.
* travel more. (what the hell happened to me?)
* knit another pair of socks.
* buy some rain boots.
* be more patient.
* learn how to cook tofu. (I always screw it up)
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake
I'm curious to see what's on your list for the new year, so leave a comment, and I'll pick a winner Sunday night for a fun little soap give-away <3
Happy New year!
Hey hey, Silje!
Love your blog and as a fellow knitter, I'm constantly inspired by your creations.
My resolutions this year are...
- cook more
- learn to crochet
- hike more (I live right by the Rocky Mountains. There's no excuse!)
- learn to snowboard
Hope you have a great 2010! Looking forward to seeing more of your creative ventures!
My resolution for 2010 is to craft more! 2009 was way too busy - so I am going to dedicate more "me" time in 2010!
I posted my goals on my blog the other day, i also wrote it down so that i can check them off as i reach them!
Basically I want to be a better, more creative wife and mother in 2010!
Have a Happy New Year!
cute cute cute
I want to work out more
learn to knit
Sew more
take more photographs
Be a more patient wife
and the number one thing (the thing that kept me from accomplishing these goals in 2009) is to not be so burnt out and stressed from work that I don't do anything with my weeknights!
One thing on my list is to make more time for crafting - or possibly to use my time better.
Cute soaps :)
double Yay on the travelling! We could not take a vacation this past year and I get the travelling itch about every 6 months! It's been torture. Our biggest goal this year:
Move back to Vancouver, BC!!!
Sarah M
I hope to learn more about the rest of the world. Resolution number one- read 5 books about China. Then on to Iceland, Greece, etc.
My goal for the new year is to be creative more often. I check scrapbooking and art blogs everyday and love to look at scrapbooking magazines, but when it comes to actually making things I slack. So this year I hope to change that and use the beautiful things I have seen to help inspire me to make some myself! :]
Ditto on the tofu!
My resolution is just one: slow down. Worry less, enjoy more.
Happy new year's!! :)
My goal is to become more of a positive person. I've always been pretty pessimistic, but just now is it really starting to weigh on me. I need to take notice of all the great little things that happen around me and bring myself out of this funk! Because it's no fun for my husband or my friends!
1. Find a new job
2. Finish my arm sleeve
3. Make my new apartment really beautiful
4. Take more photos/blog more consistently
5. Don't let boys make me cry
I've only thought of a couple so far, but they might be work enough for the year. :) I want to start and finish a 30 day Bikram yoga challenge, and I want to take a photo a day. And knit more.
Happy new Year!!
hey! love your blog! a couple of my resolutions are to learn a fun new language, and to make a genuine effort to take more pictures. things i always wish i had done as years pass, but never do. hoping this year will be different! (also finding a job would be lovely!)
one of my resolutions is to get a job too!
others include:
-make regionals for swim team
-lose weight
-buy cute clothes
-go blonde
-learn to knit
-take more photos!
i love reading your blog, silje! also, my brother says he would gladly marry you.
(Have you tried making scrambled tofu with soy chorizo? Crumble firm tofu, dump some turmeric, salt, lemon juice and lots of nutritional yeast in there, then add veggies and soyrizo and keep sauteeing until it gets nice and (a little) crispy.)
My goal is to be more physically active during the week. And to get over my fear of driving so I can get my license..
I just did my top ten for 2010
1. travel more: in and out of Alaska
2. Hike more...especially Mt. Roberts...I think I can, I think I can!
3. get more tattoos (sorry mom & dad) ;)
4.Start doing yoga again, and possibly teaching too.
5. Have more campouts (in and out of the house)
6. Craft more; knit, sew, paint, draw, crochet and then some
7. Buy my gocco (or something similar) that I've wanted for a LONG time
8. Sell the things i love to make, even if i just sell one thing, for a penny, to a friend. ;)
9. Thrift more and enjoy more vintage love
10. Make the best memories with family and friends!
Have a safe and WONDERFUL New Year!!!- your blog is lovely
Such cute little soaps!
One of my many goals for this year is to learn how to knit :)
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year! Some of my 'resolutions' include...
* finishing what I start {knitting or sewing usually}
* using my time better {biggie}
* being more organized and productive
* eating healthier & loosing weight. * Hopefully traveling more often than once every 3 years.
Thanks for the giveaway!
cokelush at gmail
i want to:
~make a baby!
~move to washington
~kkeo a blog
~submit work!!!
eek! 2010 is gonna be full of magic!!!
Very interesting goals :) Good luck :)
Mine are:
-get a higher paying job so I can continue to pay the very expensive tuition at my college
-don't lose scholarship like my sister
-read more
-manage time WAY better
-study really hard and raise GPA because it's the lower than it's ever been. I've never ever had a 2.something!! :'(
-finish up the crafts I began including those semi-cute coin purses
-finish knitting that scarf from 3+ years ago
-did I say study already?
And btw, those soaps are adorable!!!
mine would have to be:
--continue to learn more about being a doula or midwife
--eat more vegetables
--look at the stars more often
--and be more patient too!
Hi Silje,
I love your blog and am always inspired when I read it. Some of my goals for 2010 are: get healthy, fill up another scrapbook, learn how to play the guitar and to be more creative.
Jane Doe
I have quite a long list, but my main goals are:
*Finish my graphic novel (that means illustrating as well)
*Grow my hair pretty, pretty long
*Get the money to buy my HD Videocam for my 'film' projects (I'm a filmmaking graduate haha)
Anyway, have a wonderful new year celebration!!! :D
I want to make it a point to tell my mom and little brother that I love them everyday. I feel like life is too hectic and things like that aren't meant to be lost especially now.
so here are mine:
- try to paint more and more
- do another exhibition with my pieces of art
- tattoo many people
- get new tattoos on my skin
- do diet
- buy a bike
- travel more
happy new year Silje ^_^
hola, silje!!!
happy 2010!!
i want to learn how to knit, will you consider showing me? soap making?
i want to be more
-I'm going to try to crochet more.
-Try to be less angry and upset over things I have no control over.
- do something about my self esteem issues and depression.
Godt nyttår! Jeg har en liste med mål og planer, ikke akkurat forsetter men ja.. :) Blogget listen min her:
* Learn to knit.
* Make our apartment cuter.
* Go hiking in the Norwegian mountains with my dad and little sister in the summer. This makes it necessary to go to the gym more often too, since I need to be in better shape before the hike if I am to survive ^^
* Read!
* Photograph more. I wanna try analog film again too and I'm probably gonna take a dark room class to learn how to develop my own photos.
* Be a good student when I start my masters degree in Informatics.
* Dye my hair.
* Go to concerts. Already have tickes for Hatebreed and Machine Head January 29th :)
* Spend time with my boyfriend this spring as he might move far away come summer because of his education.
1. Knit all the things I've been planning to knit, especially big projects like sweaters. (stop letting other projects, like gift projects, get in the way)
2. Work on knitting patterns for my own book
3. Read all the books I bought on my Sony Reader
4. Learn to quilt and make soap! (You inspired me with your cute soap!)
5. Get into my top choice ballet school
Happy New Year! Here are some of my resolutions:
1. Floss everyday
2. Make a biosphere
3. Read 10 books
4. Cook at least one meal a day
5. Get a table at the Sowa Market in the spring
6. Save up to visit my sister in Hawaii
I love your new year's goals, Silje! One of mine is to make a ton of DIY decorations to give my new apartment some personality! I am so inspired by your ideas :)
Happy New Year!
i would love to read more, exercise more, & study harder.
Happy New Year!
Some of my list is-
1. Use my gm membership more
2. Spend more time with my sister
3. Re-pierce my lip
4. Do more things that make me happy rather than things that make other people happy.
heeeey!!,,hi miss silje!!! you are the cutest, like ever!!!
here are a few of my goals
~finish my craft room
~learn how to cook actual meals
~finish learning how to knit and crochet
~finish my quilts
~use my sewing machine a lot!!
and the list goes on and on!!
have a happy day!!!
Hi Silje!
Here's my new years list!
* Getting fatter (ha! Never heard this one before right)
* Crochet a curtain
* Saving more animals at the SPCA (in Holland)
* Eat more vegeterian!
* Visit more concerts and festivals! YAY!
xo Daphne
And a Happy 2010!
xo Daphne
You have to visit the Office site, they have the cutest rain boots right now!
Ah! Look at the PONY ones, and the roses! So fancy.
My goals are always unreasonable. Dance like Usher, learn to do cartwheels on my right hand, take pictures of myself trying to do this, don't accidentally scrape silverware on plates in restaurants and make everyone around me want to stab their ears out etc.
You have such a cute blog.
Happy New Year!
Your blog is fun!
I want:
-take at least one picture/day
-sew at least once/week
-improve my knitting skills
-be a fun person to be around, even when I don't feel like it :)
well...of course i have tons of crafty goals, but my biggest goal this year is to try going vegetarian!
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