We're finally settled into our Condo, and I am so happy to be decorating instead of unpacking. I of course located a JoAnn Fabrics superstore, only 10 minutes away, and went on a late night raid. I've been making Christmas decorations, and baking gingerbread cookies non stop the last 3 days. Yesss! I LOVE Christmas!
The drive across country took us about an extra 20 hours this time since we had the dogs, and the moving truck. We almost froze to death in Wyoming, trying to catch a few hours of sleep in the truck, not knowing below zero Farenheit would sneak up on us. We found a vegan pizza in Omaha, Nebraska, and almost crashed into a fiery pit going downhill during the last 30 minutes of our trip, when the brakes decided the heavy load was too much to take.
Lets just say it's gonna be awhile before we drive across country again.
I found a cute tutorial for these adorable yarn Christmas trees in Pretty Ditty. They are super easy to make, and I just love them oh so much!
I've made a huge list of things that need to be done, like Christmas shopping (yeah I'm super late this year, I'm kinda freaking out!), finding the perfect tree, hanging pictures in the apartment, watch cute movies, bake, scrapbook, and start a new painting. I should also try to find a job. There aren't enough hours in the day, I swear.
What's on your list?
My favorite part of Christmas is making a gingerbread house. It's been a tradition in my family since I was a kid, I remember making it with my mom, and brothers early in December, for it to sit, and get dusty til after New Years, when we we're finally allowed to eat it. So gross. Of course we would each sneak a piece of candy from the house before that, and my mom would pretend she didn't notice.
I also made little stockings for all of us, each one embroidered with our names on them, I can't wait to make little dog, and cat toys for the pets, and find little goodies for Josh.
Cupcake has slowly been trying to take over Otis' bed, so I decided to make him a new one from an old knitted sweater and some fabric scraps. Cupcake loves to burrow, so it's perfect for him!
What is your favorite part about the holidays?
wow! my bf and i made the cross-country jaunt from nyc to pdx in may, and i'm still figuring out where everything goes, never mind blogging and xmas decorating! i love the christmas stuff.
we lived in portland, me back in the mid 90 and thought we would be one of the very few to have lived in both portlands, but i've met a few! anyway, good luck in your new place!
xo. tara.
I love baking, baking & more baking (the smell while decorating the Christmas tree is so amazing),& the happy faces the kids have - in South Africa we have such hot weather and we all swimming in the pool! (NO WHITE CHRISTMAS : ()
Love your advent calender.
Great that you find time to decorate instead of unpacking. Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
Oh where to start!? I love every bit of the holidays, the tree, decorating, cards, baking, wrapping presents! I LOVE IT ALL!! I really love the yarn tree pictures! I live in Omaha so I'm going to have to check out Night Flight Pizza where you had your vegan pizza. Several people have told me it's awesome and I need to check it out!
Happy Holidays and happy job hunting!
Wow! I'm glad ya'll made it ok.
I'm a knew follower of the blog, and I just wanted to stop by and tell you how lovely I think it is. :)
My list looks a bit like yours, and I'm with you in that there are never enough hours in the day! We still have to buy the men's Christmas gifts, I have to finish making all 6,546,843,548 gifts for the girls, (I swear I'm going to chrocet/paint my hands OFF!) finish finals this week, and you have inspired me to add ginger bread cookies to the mix! That's officially added to the list as well.
I love decorating! I love setting up the x-mas tree! I love sitting around and crafting while I watch movies and drink hot chocolate.
Your handmade x-mas is really great, those yarn x-mas trees and stocking are adorable and unique. I really enjoy reading your blog because you always have such great stuff to share.
Happy Holidays, and I hope you are enjoying Portland! Hopefully we'll have a white x-mas again this year.
wow! I love all your christmas stuff you've made--they are so cute and I love the trees and LOVVVVE the dog bed you made for cupcake, what an awesome idea to reuse.
Sarah M
How did you find the time to make all of those things? Now I feel like I have no excuse! I love your decorations! My favorite part of the holidays is actually picking out/making gifts and wrapping them. There is something about trying to find the perfect gift that I just love.
I lovelovelove those yarn trees! I'm defintely going to have to make some to spruce up our place! Also, your doggies are adorable!
LOVE the trees. Need to make my own RIGHT NOW!
silje, jeg er helt vild med din jule pynt !! og de sokker der!! ihhh, hvorfor har vi ikke en kamin hylde, hmm...
Den pude til cupcake, den er bare for lækker, er sikker på at ilderne ville synes sådan en er rigtig god.
Utroligt du har nået alt det, samtidig med du har flyttet, du er jo super woman!:)
that doggy burrow is so cute, silje!
girl, how do you find the time!! I love all of it.
We are driving from south FL to northern MI in 2 weeks to celebrate xmas with my family. I hope our roadtrip isn't too freezing or scary. I'm glad you survived yours!
your crafty x mas is sooo cute!
i LOVE the yarn trees! SO cute.
also, welcome to oregon! :)
i'm about an hour + a half south of pdx...(hopefully you're surviving this rare cold front! i'm freezing!).
also, are you vegan? i'm not, but my stepsister was for a while (she's now just vegetarian...long story). anyway! if you haven't discovered it, she use to shop at a little vegan grocery on stark (i think it's stark street) called food fight. just an fyi :)
oooooohhhh oooh ahhhh ahhh they are all utterly adorable :o)
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