Just wanted to share some cute eye candy I came across while window shopping the world wide web.
Enjoy <3
I just learned that forever21 has an entire nautical line. High fives all around!
Blue Satin nail polish from Chanel. LOVE, love, love blue.
I was rocking a slightly lighter shade on fingers and toes in Hawaii last summer - so in love <3
These super cute, and stylish Muir Woods Booties, vegan friendly even, from mod cloth.
To die for.
I have the biggest crush on these shorts, also from mod cloth.
How wonderful is this cloche! Adorable!
By liza rietz on Etsy.
I am slightly obsessed with this jacket from the ever so fabulous Betsey Johnson.
How about this little cute Nelly doll from anthropologie. <3
What are you shopping for?
night night <3
Love the boots, very nice.
Just checking your blog out. Love everything you do and make. Love your scrapbook pages. They are awesome. You are super talented.
great find on the forever 21 stripes! and that little russian doll is extraordinary.
That little doll is so cute! Hey, I was wondering, by any chance do you do tattoo design commissions over the internet? I have this thing I wanna get tattoed but I want it oldschool & you're pretty good at it... Whaddya say? If you're interested, leave me a comment in my god-forsaken blog & I'll give you my email to talk about it...
Thanks <3
Those boots are amazing!! I think they are being put on my list too!! I just shopped for a pink fuji instax 7s and think I am gonna get the 210 too!!!
p.s. love your style! can't wait til you're in a tattoo shop so I can trek up from CA!
cute cute cute, i love everything.
I just saw the same little boots today at DSW, except they were in navy and in black.
Sorry to bring up a shopping moment when you're pining of it!
Love,love,LOVE the boots, shorts, ring, and jacket! soso adorable! and you have the most BEAUTIFUL tattoos. I love your blog! So cute!
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